United Cements’ Training on Retrofitting
United Cements Pvt. Ltd, a KL Dugar Group owned company, conducted training programs to over thousand masons and contractors in various parts of the country on retrofitting and earthquake resilient construction. The training was held in Bhaktapur, Lalitpur, Kathmandu & Chitwan with a special focus on earthquake resilient construction and retrofitting. The training aimed to improve technical skills in the construction industry. It also focused on developing professionalism in the field of construction.
United Cements organized the trainings to ensure safe building practices, which became a necessity after the massive earthquake of 2015. There is a tremendous increase in construction following the earthquake and all these constructions should be built strong. KL Dugar Group believes that programs like these will create awareness among contractors and masons to build earthquake resilient buildings and to use quality construction material with quality workmanship.
Nepal falls in Zone 5 which means there is a high risk of strong earthquakes. Because of the same, we need quality construction material. Cement is one of the key materials for any construction. KL Dugar Group is committed towards producing high quality international standard cement. The Group, with a team of professionals, also thrive to train the masons and contractors on different techniques to improve productivity and overall efficiency with a quality work. The comprehensive training sessions will help them in learning cost optimization techniques, besides methods to achieve superior construction quality. KL Dugar Group – United Cements considers the training programs to be a never-ending process and will continue to organize such training camps in various parts of the country to develop the skill & to share frequent updates on the latest development and technological advancements.